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Hello welcome to my artweb page

My work is the playful struggle to focus an intuitive energy.
Sometimes this is bringing together the internalisation of the outdoor and inner worlds to reach a compositional balance.
Often we can see mini scenes and storyscapes in that there are some sort of narratives going on throughout them: like opening thewindows of our hearts to create always something anew, fresh.

They seem to evolve and create  a sense of identity  in a world full of busynesses and  attachments.I try to create something natural, something in the moment - a sense of space and freedom and the joy of being alive.

My more layered work  is built up over time.
Mainly I work in acrylic, ink and charcoal.
Currently based in Ramsgate I have exhibited fairly widely over the UK and I have paintings collected across Europe, in France, Scotland, Majorca, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy.
Thank you for visiting.More at www.sarahstokes.co.uk

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